Name |
The person's name. It may contain a middle name. |
string |
Age |
The person's age in years. |
integer |
Job |
The person's job title. |
string |
Date of Birth |
The person's date of birth in the standard date format. |
string |
Income in USD |
The person's income in US dollars. |
integer |
Credit score |
The person's credit score as a number. |
integer |
Credit Card Number |
The person's credit card number. |
string |
Email |
The person's email address. |
string |
Gender |
The person's gender, can be "Male", "Female", or "Other". |
string |
Has Degree |
Whether or not the person has a degree. |
boolean |
Address |
The person's address (as an object). |
Address |
Blood Type |
The person's blood type. |
string |
Username |
The person's username. |
string |
Religion |
The person's religion. |
string |
Political Leaning |
The person's leaning, with -1 being 100% left leaning, and 1 being 100% right leaning. |
double |
GPA (Grade Point Average) |
The person's GPA on a 4 point scale. |
double |