
Below are the first steps you can take to access and start using the API.

Requesting 100 People:

Each of the tabs show example code for how to request 100 people in different languages:

console.log( fetch('') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(error => console.error(error)) );

Example API Response:

Below are some examples you might see when requesting a response from the API. If there are multiple people, it will instead come as an array of people objects.

Person Object:

{ "name": "Minh Legros", "age": 30, "job": "Plumber", "incomeUSD": 62475, "creditScore": 449, "ccNumber": "6709345624532578", "married": true, "hasChildren": true, "height": 166.0, "weight": 70.9, "eyeColor": "BROWN", "email": "", "gender": "Male", "hasDegree": false, "bloodType": "AB-", "username": "minh91", "politicalLeaning": -0.78, "religion": "Christianity", "address": { "streetAddress": "432 Rebecka Mission", "city": "Victoria", "state": "English River", "country": "Seychelles", "zip": "2896", "geonameId": 241131, "phoneNumber": "+248 20045111", "ipAddress": "", "countryCode": "SC" }, "doB": "Tue Sep 21 11:25:21 IST 1993", "gpa": 2.2 }

Address Object:

{ "streetAddress": "39975 Joesph Garden", "city": "Panagyurishte", "state": "Khaskovo", "country": "Bulgaria", "zip": "9976", "geonameId": 733264, "phoneNumber": "+359 710422585", "ipAddress": "", "countryCode": "BG" }

Lifestory Object:

{ "person": { ...Person object, details ommitted for brevity... }, "lifestory": "Harvey Krajcik is a 43-year-old who was born on Sun Mar 22 13:05:47 IST 1981. Harvey works as a geologist and lives in Shymkent, Atyraū, Kazakhstan. He is married and has children. He is 160.0cm tall and weighs 69.2 kg, and has brown eyes and a blood type of A-. He has a GPA of 3.0, and doesn't have a degree. His income is $70830, and he has a credit score of 437. His credit card number is 3441-081071-67187. He uses for Hisemail address and harvey30 for His username on various websites. He follows Buddhism and his political leaning is -0.82. He has a geonameid of 609123 and his phone number is +7 4144872266. He is from Kazakhstan and his IP address is" }